In Item Summary, when we search a string (E.g.: Credit), the correct result is displayed with data containing only that string (Only items with DCIP equals to Credit). In that result, if we put an additional column filter (like ItemState equals to Outstanding), the result is refreshed and it displays all items with the filter (Outstanding Items with both Debit & Credit DCIP), although Item Summary's display contains light pink bar stating that search keyword is still intact. Understand that client can use 2 column filters but if ease & availability of new features are considered, then this combination should also work.
Hi Parikshit, can you provide more information/details on what's happening?
Update - This works the other way around. If we add filter at a column and search a string in the result of filter, then the result displayed is with the search string and filter. But it doesn't work if search first and then add the filter on a column.