IntelliMatch NextGen UI

Post feedback and ideas about the NextGen UI

Button to add/dissolve items in match group need to be reconfigured

The button to add items to a match group is beside the icon to dissolve a match group, this is going to be very frustrating.  The dissolve button should be moved over to the right where the trash icon (remove item button currently) and that remove icon moved next to the add icon

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2019
  • Already exists
  • Mar 12, 2019

    Admin response

    We are already tracking this as part of the backlog.

  • Attach files
  • Clay Park commented
    March 11, 2019 16:40

    I agree that the Add and remove items buttons should be next to each other as they are similar functions and it is a bit confusing having to next to the dissolve icon.  These are also (at least in the current version) rarely used.