Currently, the user-based authorization of assigning recons to a user is extremely time consuming and prone to error.
Implementing a role-based authorization model would improve the task of authorizing, and allow clients to better manage their users and recons.
At the site-level, create "departments" and the "roles" underneath the departments
Department: Recon Ops
Role: Nostro Reconciler
Role: Nostro Approver
Role: FOBO Reconciler
Department: Investigations
Role: Investigation Agent
At Recon configuration, assign the recon action to a role performer
Nostro GBP: Submit: Nostro Reconciler
Nostro GBP: Approve: Nostro Approver
At User Administration, assign users to roles
John Doe
Nostro Reconciler
FOBO Reconciler
Jane Doe
Nostro Approver
Roles assigned to each user
List of users by Role
Recommend looking at the IPP Authorization functionality, this was one of the big differentiators with IPP.