IntelliMatch NextGen UI

Post feedback and ideas about the NextGen UI

Keyboard Support in NextGen

It seems like keyboard support for manual matching, clearing column filters etc are not available in NextGen version. Users comfortable with doing recon activity using keyboard shortcut in existing version will find it difficult to perform their daily recon activity in NextGen version.


Also, I noticed it is not possible to open Recon activity page in home page without taking support of mouse. Keyboard support should be available to go down to specific recon and open corresponding activity page.

  • Anshuman Mishra
  • Jan 6 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Natalia Gebka commented
    July 14, 2021 11:59

    Hi Team,

    Is there a list of shortcuts available? Is there a list of planned keyboard hotkeys to be implemented? When is it planned to kick off the keyboard support?

  • Natalia Gebka commented
    June 25, 2020 12:07


    One of my clients suggests new shortcut keys for the new functionalities in NextGen that were previously not available but would want to use hot keys for these as well.

    Exception summary (example: Ctrl+C)

    Collections (example: Ctrl+E)

    Task bar opening (example: Ctrl+O)

    Allocation (example: Ctrl+D)

    I see the shortcuts are now planned.

    Could you please advise on when they will be available?

    Thank you.